NFT Artist Discovery Twitterview 1. Patrick Tresset
In August, I decided that I could participate in building community by helping educate and elevate the stories of NFT Artists that I find interesting.
Along the way, I learned that the Twitterview (Twitter-interview) format of posting my questions as a thread on Twitter for the artist to reply to on Twitter wasn’t an ideal way to read the responses.
As a storyteller, I realize a deep responsibility to my stories, so I’m going back and adding the first two Twitterviews and will continue to do so for each interview. I can’t wait to share these stories with you!
Let’s dig in.
My first Twitterview was with Patrick Tresset (@patricktresset), a Brussels-based artist and researcher that may be best described as a 🤖👨🎨 “Robot Artist.” He makes robots, and uses artificial intelligence, to create his art. Here are some places to learn more and experience his work.